Ecommerce Conversion Rate Optimization:
5 Proven Techniques

Ecommerce conversion rate optimization

Ecommerce conversion rate optimization is a big topic when we intend to discuss it thoroughly. So, as an Ecommerce development company, iCommuneTech has decided to give only a couple of tips or tricks on ecommerce conversion rate optimization in the current post.

What Is Ecommerce Conversion?

When an ecommerce visitor successfully accomplishes a desired action, it is called ecommerce conversion.

There are two main types of ecommerce conversions.

    1. Macro Conversion: When a visitor attains the final objective of the ecommerce website, such as making a sale or getting a new membership.

    2 .Micro Conversion: When a visitor reaches a step closer to the final goal or macro conversion through different actions/activities, it is called a micro conversion.

We can further define micro conversion into the following types:

  • Filling contact form
  • Email Subscription
  • SMS subscription
  • Opt for a free trial
  • Download free content
  • Click on the affiliate link
  • Click on the CTA button
  • Opt-in to push notification
  • Adopting a new product feature
  • Other types of ecommerce conversions are:

      1. Soft Conversion – Some actions don’t influence the revenue but show interest in ecommerce. For instance, signing in for a newsletter.

      2. Voting on content – Ask for votes.

      3. Add the product to the shopping cart.

      4. Add items to the wish list.

      5. Form filling for lead generation

      6. Requesting a quote.

    What Is Ecommerce Conversion Rate?

    According to the latest data available on the average conversion rate among different industry verticals worldwide, the food and beverage industry segment in ecommerce will enjoy an 8.99% conversion rate in 2024.

    Technically, the conversion rate is the main parameter that describes how your ecommerce website is performing to increase your ROI (return on investment) by minimizing expenses on traffic acquisition.

    Conversion rate Number of ecommerce visitors who hit the goal/No. of visitors who see your CTA X 100
    If you have 1000 total visitors and out of them, 100 are buying from your ecommerce, then your conversion rate will be:
    [100/1000] X 100 = 10%

    Vital Elements of Ecommerce Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO):

  • Website design for enhancing user experience (UX).
  • Product page optimization for better images and descriptions.
  • Checkout process optimization to make it easy.
  • CTA optimization to facilitate shoppers
  • Shopping cart abandonment strategies to increase conversion
  • Right promotion strategies and designs
  • How Will You Apply Ecommerce CRO Strategies?

      1. Analyze your current e-commerce analytics data to gain insights for CRO

      2. Define specific and measurable goals for CRO

      3. Conduct user research

      4. Enhance key elements of CRO described in the section above

      5. Test and optimize

    5 Proven Techniques For Ecommerce Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO)

    CRO experts at iCommuneTech suggest the following five proven techniques to boost ecommerce conversion rate optimization.

    Technique 1 – Enhanced Ecommerce UI Design to Improve CRO

    There are different measures to enhance the UI design of an ecommerce, such as:

    #1 – Create a Streamlined Landing Page:

    Create a landing page with the intention of solving a single goal. Not several goals. It helps shoppers to focus on only one thing without other distractions.

    #2 – Create Uncluttered Product Page Design:

    Take a minimalistic design approach in ecommerce web page design. Remain clear in your concept of design and bring clarity to your pages for layout, visuals, and content. Simplify navigation schemes and make them mobile-friendly. Give clear labels to your products, categories, and sub-categories and their pages to make navigation smooth and quick.

    #3 – Boost Page Loading Speed:

    Optimize visual elements such as images, audio, and video for fast loading. Optimize code for loading speed by taking various measures, such as concise and compact code, less use of JavaScript, and following the best coding practices to increase page speed.

    We already have discussed product descriptions in our previous blog on product page optimization, so we are not repeating them here.

    #4 – Take a Mobile-first Approach in UI Design:

    Numbers of mobile shoppers are increasing. So, take a mobile-first design approach and follow the best mobile-friendly design practices. Make content mobile-friendly using appropriate fonts, styles, and visuals.

    Design navigation keeping mobile users in mind. Design layout, UI elements, and CTAs keeping mobile gestures in mind, such as tapping with thumb fingers, swiping, zooming, rotating, etc.

    #5 – Use Multimedia Content Judiciously:

    Use good quality images of products with retina zoom display and quick mobile loading. Use video and animation content to make your product usage more comprehensive and practical.

    Check out this blog for more insights:
    Laravel For ECommerce – Step by Step Guide For Developers!

    Technique 2 – Checkout Process Optimization to Raise Conversion Rate

    Consider the ecommerce checkout process a grand finale where shoppers close their buying process. Therefore, for ecommerce, shopping cart abandonment is a big disaster that every ecommerce merchant wants to avert.

    So, the optimization of the checkout process is critical to enhancing ecommerce CRO. Let’s see some good tips that can work in 2024:

    #1 – Display Checkout Flow with Progress Bar:

    Whether your checkout process is short or long, displaying checkout flow using a progress bar always reduces the stress of shoppers. It lets shoppers know where they are in the checkout process and what is/are the next step/s.

    #2 – Use One-click Checkout:

    ‘Less is more’ works best in the case of the checkout process design. Ask for only essential information from shoppers.

    You can use the Google auto-fill feature or Shop Pay tools to obtain information from other checkout pages used by the same shoppers.

    #3 – Allow Guest Checkout:

    Shoppers often avoid form filling and prefer social checkout or guest checkout options instead of wasting their valuable time on addresses for delivery receipts and shipping destinations.

    Therefore, make provisions for both in your e-commerce checkout design.

    #4 – Clarify Final Cost:

    Offering free shipping incentives works excellently in most instances. However, specific low-cost orders or high-shipping orders offering free shipping options are not possible.

    Therefore, using a shipping calculator and integrating shipping tracking modules from relevant shipping providers can give clarity on the final cost of the products at the end of the delivery at the doorsteps of the buyers. It cuts frustrations and builds trust among shoppers.

    #5 – Provide Shipping Options:

    Shipping routes often play a major role in deciding shipping costs. Similarly, different shipping providers charge different rates.

    Therefore, upfront clarity regarding various shipping options makes things easy and increases transparency in the deals. Many shoppers need quick shipping despite paying high charges. So, let them do it by offering such options.

    #6 – Provide Payment Options:

    Every shopper has their own payment preferences. Some include cash, online, card, or digital wallet payments. Many have their payment gateway choices.

    In contrast, many prefer payment in their local currency even on a global ecommerce storefront. Therefore, try to meet most of the requirements by including different payment methods, payment gateways, and international currencies.

    #7 – Display Security Badges:

    Show trust badges throughout the checkout process. It’ll strengthen your legitimacy. You can display the following security badges.

  • SSL certificates
  • Payment badges
  • Money-back guarantee.
  • Snippets of customer reviews
  • Antivirus software logo
  • Privacy logo
  • #8 – Live Chat Support during Checkout:

    It proves a vital step to offer live chat support with an AI-powered and human back live chat system. Live chat can mitigate several issues arising in the minds of shoppers during the checkout process, such as size, price, return, and related questions, with real-time responses.

    Technique 3 – CTA (Call-to-Action) Optimization to Increase Ecommerce Conversion Rates

    Call-to-action could be a button or in-line link with anchor texts. The right choice and design of CTA can make a difference in your ecommerce CRO.

  • It would be best if you used specific and clear CTA. It must be brief, concise, and persuasive
  • If possible, place CTA above the fold
  • Avoid sidebar CTA because internal link CTA performs better.
  • Centrally located CTA receive much more attention than left- or right-located CTAs.
  • Keep the number of CTAs low. Single CTA is an excellent choice.
  • The CTA is excellently placed at the bottom of the product page.
  • Use active voice and action words in CTA, not passive voice.
  • Create a sense of urgency in the CTA.
  • Make CTA design prominent and significant to draw the immediate attention of onlookers.
  • Use color psychology in CTA design to grab the attention of shoppers.
  • Personalized CTA is an excellent way to win your customers.
  • Get the best solutions for ecommerce conversion rate optimization:
    Contact Us now!

    Technique 4 – Shopping Cart Abandonment Strategies Optimization to Enhance Conversion Rates

    Ecommerce merchants consider shopping cart abandonment a significant loss to their ecommerce. Therefore, our ecommerce experts at iCommuneTech suggest the following practical ways to mitigate the issue.

    #1 -Shipping Terms:

  • Highlight your shipping terms and state precise shipping costs on the first page of the shopping cart to avoid confusion.
  • Set up negotiations with carriers to reduce shipping costs compared to your competitors.
  • Offer flat rates to shoppers. If it isn’t possible, apply tiered rates instead.
  • Offer free shipping whenever possible.
  • #2 – Return & Refund Policies:

    Clear, comprehensive, and shopper-friendly return and refund policies build trust in an online business.

  • Offer free shipping on return.
  • Shoppers want to print labels for return during the delivery.
  • Give refunds quickly with a smooth process.
  • #3 – Give Reasons to Buy from You:

  • Give all possible incentives to reduce the overall costs of the products or services
  • Prioritize the quality of your products or services. Describe your USP well
  • Keep the latest models of the products and provide plenty of information regarding them.
  • Form a customer community on social media and sites to describe benefits and address their grievances.
  • Do intense personalization and provide the best personal experience of shopping.
  • Technique 5 – Incentive Strategies Optimization to Boost Ecommerce Conversion Rates

    Ecommerce shoppers are human beings. They follow the human psyche. Our team believes in the following psychological principles behind conversion.

      1. Desire for gains

      2. Fear of missing out (FOMO).

      3. Drive for status and recognition

    Most Effective Incentive Strategies for Ecommerce CRO:
    Time-sensitive discounts Exclusive discounts
    Tiered discounts Bundle offers
    Abandon cart discounts Referral programs
    Free-shipping Loyalty points
    Exclusive access Free gifts
    Gift cards Gamification
    Coupon code for feedback or similar actions
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    Wrapping It Up:

    We hope our post on conversion optimization will tempt many tech-savvy e-commerce merchants to implement some of our proven strategies and valuable suggestions.

    However, our ecommerce optimization team is always ready to help you with various technical and complex aspects of CRO strategy implementation.

    Let’s have a phone call to discuss your plans or issues on a one-on-one basis. Indeed! It will help you a lot.